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Prevention and Healthy Lifestyle Tips

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After learning about Chlamydia, you may be feeling slightly overwhelmed. If you have just been diagnosed, be sure to follow the advice of your doctor and you should be back on track very soon. If you do not have Chlamydia, here are some tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for keeping it that way.

1. Abstinence from sexual contact: While this is the only way to completely protect yourself from STDs, for most people it may not be the most practical method of prevention.

2. Latex condoms: When used properly, condoms can greatly reduce your chances of getting a Chlamydia infection.

3. Get tested: It is suggested that young women, especially under the age of 25, be tested yearly. It is also recommended that older women who are high risk (multiple partners) as well as pregnant women should be tested.

4. Notifying recent partners: If you are diagnosed with Chlamydia or any STI or STD, you should notify all recent sexual partners (within the last 60 days) so that they can also get tested.

5. Getting treated: If you have been diagnosed and are still receiving treatment, you should not engage in sex with your partner until all your meds have been taken and he/she has also been tested and treated if necessary.