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Do I Need a Chlamydia Test?

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Chances are the answer is yes.

If you are sexually active, you run the risk of becoming infected with Chlamydia and many other sexually transmitted infections and diseases. Getting tested not only protects your health, but you partner’s sexual health as well. It’s suggested that you get tested at least once a year. If you have multiple new partners, more frequent testing is advised. Chlamydia is something that cannot be tested for in the blood, a urine sample or taking a swab from the actual site (cervix or penis) are the two most accurate forms of testing.

Here is a list of factors that make getting tested even more important:

If you have sex while being treated for Chlamydia
Your chances of becoming re-infected are higher if you have not completed your treatment fully before having intercourse again or if your partner is infected and hasn’t been treated at all. Most doctors recommend waiting until you finish all medication (usually 7 days) before having sex. It is also recommended that you have a check-up 3 months after completing your meds to make sure you are not infected again.

If you have any symptoms
Many people never show symptoms, but if you do then the need for getting tested is even greater. Typically if you are going to display any symptoms at all they will be 1 to 3 weeks after exposure. In women, some of the most common symptoms include vaginal discharge, bleeding between periods, painful urination and lower abdominal pain. In men, symptoms include discharge from the penis, burning sensation during urination and burning and itching around the penis.

If you are pregnant
f you are pregnant, it’s important to know whether or not you have Chlamydia. If you do have an infection and don’t get treatment for it, you can have a premature delivery and the baby can even get a chlamydial infection in his/her eyes and respiratory tracts. Chlamydia is currently the leading cause of early infant pneumonia and conjunctivitis in newborns.

If you are a teen or young woman between the ages of 15-25
Sexually active women in this age category are more susceptible to infection because the cervix has not yet fully matured, making the need for testing even more important.