Category Archives: Uncategorized

Viagra May Have Protective Effect On The Heart

Prior to being released as an effective medication to treat ED,  sildenafil (Viagra) was being investigated as a medication to treat and prevent heart disease. Now a study published in a recent Journal of Clinical Investigation suggests that Viagra may have a protective effect on the heart muscle in cases of hypertension.  Viagra may decrease … Continue reading Viagra May Have Protective Effect On The Heart

Prostate Cancer Options

A recent article in the journal European Urology reports that nearly 20% of men who underwent radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer later regretted deciding on that treatment option.  Interestingly, the rate of dissatisfaction was highest among those that chose robotic prostatectomy.  Perhaps patient expectations were unreasonably high for the newer, innovative technique.  Common side effects … Continue reading Prostate Cancer Options

Statin medications- what’s not to like

A category of medications called statins has revolutionized therapy for elevated cholesterol.  Prior to the introduction of the first statin, Mevacor, in the mid-80’s, therapy for elevated cholesterol involved several different medications with limited effectiveness and generally unpleasant side effects.  While the statins can certainly have some side effects as well, they are usually well … Continue reading Statin medications- what’s not to like