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Low Ogestrel Birth Control

KwikMed Only Ships Genuine Watson Birth Control Pills madeInUsa

Low Ogestrel Birth Control

For some women, taking oral contraceptive pills can cause unwanted side effects. Fortunately most women will notice an improvement by switching to low dose birth control. This is because these pills contain lower amounts of the active hormones, without compromising the efficacy. Low Ogestrel birth control is one of these. This combination birth control pill contains lower amounts of estrogen and progestin. Combination pills (regardless if they are low dose birth control or not) work in several ways to prevent pregnancy. First, they prevent ovulation (or the release of the egg) from occurring. Secondly, the pill makes changes to the cervical mucus and also to the uterine wall that make fertilization and implantation difficult if an egg is in fact released.


Low Ogestrel 28

The active ingredients in Low Ogestrel 28 are ethinyl estradiol and norgestrel. The pack of pills contains 3 weeks of ‘active’ medication and 1 week of inactive pills that will be taken during your period. While the most common use for birth control pills is pregnancy prevention, Low Ogestrel may also be used by women who are suffering from moderate acne, have endometriosis or have painful or unpredictable periods. Most women taking low dose birth control find that their periods are lighter, shorter and more predictable. Be sure to research your birth control such as finding out Low Ogestrel 128 side effects, to find out what birth control is best for you.

Low Ogestrel Weight Gain

Before you start taking any prescription medication, it’s a good idea to inquire about potential side effects. With Low Ogestrel weight gain is one possibility, however, this is also a potential side effect of nearly all combination birth control pills. Some women may notice Low Ogestrel 28 side effects while others will not experience any. Sometimes appetite changes are responsible for weight fluctuation in women taking the pill. Low estrogen birth control pills should not be taken by women with certain medical histories or conditions. This is why a prescription is required for this medication to be dispensed. Smoking cigarettes is discouraged while on birth control, especially for women 35 and older. This is because for smokers, Low Ogestrel 28 side effects can be very serious including conditions like blood clots and strokes.

Low Ogestrel Tablets

So where can you get Low Ogestrel tablets? There are several choices. Some women prefer to get them directly from their OB/GYN or local pharmacy while others prefer to order birth control online. Low Ogestrel tablets can be purchased legally as long as a prescription is issued. Low Ogestrel birth control continues to be a commonly prescribed low dose birth control because it has relatively few side effects and it is very effective when taking as directed. It is easy to find more information about Low Ogestrel ingredients, as well as any Low Ogestrel side effects by researching online.


Low Ogestrel® 1 Month

Low Ogestrel® 3 Months

Low Ogestrel® 6 Months