Do You Agree That This Mom is a “Fat Shaming Bully”?

By Emily Murray

It seems that Maria Kang has become fully aware of the impact 1 photo can have. The touchy nature of  our culture has made everyone a bit sensitive about weight and fitness.

You have probably seen her photo in the news over the past week and it is creating quite a stir. If you haven’t, this is what the mother of three has posted on her Facebook wall.



Photo from

At first glance, what do you see? A woman who inspires you to hit the gym or a smug woman mocking and “fat shaming” you?

It seems a nation is divided over this one photo posted by a 32-year-old mom who claims her intention was simply to motivate others to be fit and take care of their bodies. She obviously has her hands full with 3 children, however she takes time out to take good care of her health.

Is it jealously spurring hateful comments or does a large percentage of the public really feel she is rubbing her fitness in their face?

I’m curious about about your thoughts on this one.

Comment below and let us know if this picture is motivates you or makes you feel like she is mocking you.