The Summertime Sun is Blazing, and so could your Spray-On Sunscreen

The FDA recently reported that certain spray-on sunscreen worn to close to an open flame could produce risk of catching fire. This report comes after a handful of incidents popped up claiming that spray on sunscreens flared up causing injuries.

The biggest issue for most of these spay on sunscreen incidents is due to the alcohol used in certain brands. Many brands who include alcohol in their ingredients will place a warning label, with instructions not to apply near an open flame.  The biggest concern with the recent problems is that those who suffered injuries say that they applied the sunscreen well before the accidents happen, giving them enough time as indicated in the instructions.  The incidents happened around a welding torch, lighting a cigarette, sitting next to a citronella candle and approaching a BBQ grill.

There are other spray on products that use alcohol in their ingredients such as hairspray and bug spray, as well as some non-spray sunscreens that should be taken with caution as well.  Basic rule of thumb with these types of products is to allow the products to completely dry on the skin. I am not sure if these issues could have been avoided with taking a few extra moments to dry up before going up to a fire… however on the safe side, lets all make sure we do in the future. 🙂


By Chris Haro