Tag Archives: healthcare delivery

At-Home Healthcare of the Future is Happening Now

Imagine a common medical situation: An older patient, with chronic health issues, needs to be monitored by one or more medical devices regularly. Then a healthcare provider must review the data frequently to monitor the patient’s condition. In the past, this situation mandated that the patient be in a hospital setting, connected to bulky devices, with healthcare personnel nearby. This scenario is very expensive, and is stressful and depressing for the patient, which complicates their treatment and/or recovery.

Expect More Traffic at the ER, But It May Not Be a Bad Thing

by jasonP An interesting article claims that the Healthcare Reform will create more crowding in Emergency Rooms. While the reforms are meant to get more people on insurance, and give more people access to normal healthcare from primary care physicians, the changes will also put 16 million new patients on Medicaid. The article claims that … Continue reading Expect More Traffic at the ER, But It May Not Be a Bad Thing