Tag Archives: research

Shark Compound May be Able to Fight Viruses in Humans

By Rebecca Jones In what is sure to be a major scientific breakthrough for the medical community, researchers have announced that they have pinpointed a shark compound that can kill viruses in humans. A cholesterol like compound called squalamine has been found in the tissue of dogfish sharks that when applied to humans can cure … Continue reading Shark Compound May be Able to Fight Viruses in Humans

Video Games Aiding Scientists in AIDS Research

By Rebecca Jones For years scientists have been unable to decode the structure of a key protein involved in the development of AIDS but a group of gamers were able to do what researchers couldn’t in just three weeks. Developed by the University of Washington, the game Foldit takes a scientific puzzle and turns it … Continue reading Video Games Aiding Scientists in AIDS Research

Electronic “Temporary Tattoo” Could Change the Way Vital Signs are Monitored

By Rebecca Jones Up until now monitoring a patient’s vital sign has required bulky equipment, a sea of wires and uncomfortable electrodes but thanks to new advances in technology that may be all about to change. Researchers announced, in Friday’s edition of the journal Science, that they have developed a small wireless sensor that is … Continue reading Electronic “Temporary Tattoo” Could Change the Way Vital Signs are Monitored