Category Archives: Chantix

Chantix Is Safe For Your Heart, New Study Suggests

A study published in JAMA Internal Medicine suggests that Pfizer’s Chantix, a smoking cessation drug, is safe for your heart — a big relief for smokers, doctors, and treatment facilities alike. 8,000 smokers were randomly assigned Chantix and three other similar cessation medicines for 12 weeks, while an extended study followed 2,400 participants for 12 … Continue reading Chantix Is Safe For Your Heart, New Study Suggests

Cancer and Alcohol: Studies Show there Could Be a Connection

You wouldn’t think to use the worlds cancer and alcohol in the same sentence, but it seems like just about anything these days can be a cause of cancer risks. From the foods we eat, environment we live in, and the obvious things like smoking that contribute to higher risks. It seems like one area … Continue reading Cancer and Alcohol: Studies Show there Could Be a Connection

Baby Smoking 2 Packs a Day is the Real “Marlboro Baby”

EmilyM When I came across this video in the news today, I couldn’t help but feel disappointed. Most of the time you want to believe that what someone is telling you is the truth. In this case I was really hoping they were wrong. I’m talking about the Indonesian 2-year-old baby smoking video that went … Continue reading Baby Smoking 2 Packs a Day is the Real “Marlboro Baby”

Indonesian Baby Smoking 2 Packs a Day: The Shocking New Face of Nicotine Addiction

By emilyM When we are young, we’re like little sponges soaking up everything around us. The love of our families, friends, learning to speak, walk, eat and talk. For many, however, soaking up mom and dad’s secondhand smoke is part of the equation too, and later, pressure from peers to take a puff of that … Continue reading Indonesian Baby Smoking 2 Packs a Day: The Shocking New Face of Nicotine Addiction

Quitting Smoking is Easier With The Right Help

by jasonP Quitting smoking is very difficult. Research has shown that quitters have much greater success when they incorporate peer-support resources and medical assistance into their attempt. Fortunately, every state in the U.S. has a Quit Line peer-support program.  In fact, medical assistance options are so effective that many states will offer them to uninsured … Continue reading Quitting Smoking is Easier With The Right Help